This time of the year, as I always do, I take a few moments out of my day to reflect on the year, my accomplishments, my defeats, and what I plan to do differently in the upcoming year. I review my goals, finances and lifestyle to see if my financial, spiritual, physical, and business goals are met. I try not to make New Year’s resolutions, because they rarely work, and you rarely keep them. However, I want to try and do something different next year as I strive to make that transformation from employee to employer because the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
To be honest, this year has been a big blur, filled with some tragedies, misfortunes and all around foolishness. If I have learned nothing else this year, it is to trust no one but your instincts. I think if I would have followed my initial thoughts on many of the decisions that I’ve made throughout the year, I probably would have saved some money, time and a lot of heartache. Whatever the case may be, those trials and tests have prepared me for my testimony and now it’s time to move onto bigger and better things as I approach 2011 and the Dirty 30 in 2012. Unlike most, I plan to begin planning now as I approach 29 so that when 30 comes, I can surely see the fruits of my labors and begin to enjoy the next phase of my existence.
There are some new and exciting things on the horizon, one being that I’m impregnated with a business idea that I believe will follow the trend of online and mobile retailing. (Disclaimer: I’m not pregnant in real life!!) Next year, I plan to hold myself accountable to achieving the necessary milestones and goals to have the ecommerce business ready to go live on 11-11-2011. A few weeks prior to Black Friday!
One of the methods of holding myself accountable is to utilize my blog as an online journal to document my progress and some of the pitfalls of opening a new business. I will be chronicling the journey of my business pregnancy, moving from the business conception to giving birth on 11-11-2011. I will strive to post blogs weekly on this particular subject, and will resume posting blogs regarding event planning as well. So we’re looking to move from no posts to 2 per week- what a feat!
I’m making a conscious effort to do this because I google’d myself and my business and found that this blog was on a list of blogs for African-Americans. I was surprised, yet terrified because it was listed at the bottom at zero, meaning it had little or no impact and was rarely being read. So one of my goals is to definitely change that because I cannot stand to be at the bottom of anything!!
I am looking forward to this year-long journey (because I actually began planning since November) and also look forward to these critical trimesters as I nurture this concept, give life to it, and eventually bring it forward to the world. It will be a challenge, but Rockefeller, Jay-Z, Bill Gates, and my favorite- Warren Buffet had to start from somewhere, so I have to do the same. I just have to remember why I must do this and that will give me the strength as I go through these stretch marks and eventual labor pains! We will be launching this new site, and re-launching a new and improved site for Nov8ive Events & Designs, LLC.
Remember Charles Dickens once said: “Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not your past misfortunes of which all men have some.” So I’ve taken some time to reflect on 2010 and I’ve already began to gather my team of life and business coaches in place and we’re ready to take this thing to another level 2011. Are you ready to do the same?
For more information regarding how to start a business, visit or if you are looking for an event planner, please feel free to contact us at
Peace and Blessings!!