Sunday, September 19, 2010

Motivation Corner: Making your dreams come true with a Dream Board

I wrote this as I was listening to a show on –excellent website full of tips for people sitting at their desk on the computer. It’s an excellent topic- discussing being fearless. So once again, with my pen in hand, I write about the Fear Factor and why is the fear of the unknown keeping you from reaching your full potential? This can be in achieving personal goals that you set for yourself, getting out of debt, going for that job you deserve, or creating the wealth that you desire. All of these things can inhibit someone from achieving their full potential, and most of it stems from fear.

I read in a recent Black Enterprise article that many successful people have what they call a “Dream Board” that they place pictures of objects and words that describe goals they wish to achieve in life. The article did not go into detail as to whether or not it’s a virtual board or an actual board that can be live. So I took this concept and creating my own idea of creating a board on my computer using images from Google and other search engines. It took me awhile to choose and configure the pictures especially since I like everything to be in place, but I was able to complete the task within 2 hours. It was a labor of love and I take great pride in my dream board. I can break down each thing that is on the board and it explains perfectly where I want to be and how I plan on getting there.

If you look at it, you will see many items reflecting about debt, entrepreneurship, how to become rich and marketing. As you may have guessed, these are things that are important to me financially. In turn, if I am able to achieve these goals, I can eventually move onto get those dream items that I would like to purchase such as the mansion on the hill, the platinum grey Lexus ES400, and Bentley Phantom Coupe- black (of course). My dream board also has motivational words such as faith, leadership, mentoring, persistence, thinking big and being a winner.

My dream board an everyday reminder that I need to work hard to achieve these goals such as doing more volunteer work, mentoring young students, and finally learning Spanish!! As the article insists, you must post your dream board- no matter how you create it, in a space that you can see it everyday. I spent the money to reproduce the actual file, and it was an investment in myself well spent. I can look at this board on my computer, my wall in my cubicle, as well as the wall in my bedroom. I can view it everywhere I go, and eventually, you may see more dream boards as this journey goes along.

I encourage everyone who is serious about achieving their goals in life, family, professionally, and otherwise to create a dream board. How will you know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been or how you’re going to get on your next destination? A dream board is your first step in achieving these goals- who knows, this self-motivation may create a fire that may create another business venture. It moves us a step closer to making progress- and remember the following: Progress must come- we must accept the constant hand of change (Annette Howard) Stay tuned as we make our progress towards change!!

This is all for our motivational corner, I hope this provides you some tools you can use. For more tips, stay tuned next week as we provide other tips on how to save your event and your sanity. If you are looking for an event planner to assist you in creating an awesome event, please visit our website at


SYM1 said...

A more common name is a vision board. A lot of people do them now instead of..........resolutions! lol. I made mine toward the beginning of the year. I divided it into categories, then put the BIG things on it. THEN I made a list to follow it up, so I could mark off my progress towards the big things. I didn't feel like I could include it all on a 16x20 board. I haven't completed everything, but I am making some progress. I didn't intend to accomplish it all in a year, so I'm good to go. Maybe I'll add some things for new years.